Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4, Scene 1

In this scene Bottom is now in no way modest or confused about Titania's love for him and he tells the fairies what to do to fulfill his needs, or more so wants he could easily just do himself. Oberon reverses Titania's love for that ass, referring to Bottom's donkey head, and I guess his behavior as well, and she talks to herself about what a strange "dream" she had about being in love with a donkey. Then we have Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus walking through the woods, and coincidently they walk right to where Helena, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander fell asleep. They wonder why they're all asleep by each other, so they wake them up and then we hear that Demetrius is in love with Helena still, and Lysander is again in love with Hermia. Theseus decides that they Helena and Demetrius can get married and Lysander and Hermia can get married so all is well, at least for now. Bottom wakes up and he thinks he thinks he had a dream, so he decides to write about it and read it at Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Act 3, Scene 2

A lot goes on in this scene. Robin and Oberon are first talking to each other about Titania and how she fell in love with the donkey headed guy, Bottom, and how Robin put the nectar on the wrong man with Athenian clothes, which they figure out when Demetrius and Hermia enter. Hermia is upset with Demetrius because she thinks that he killed or took away Lysander, when really he was just following Helena because that's who he now loves. When Demetrius falls asleep, Robin and Oberon try to fix things by putting the nectar onto Demetrius' eyes. Then we have Helena and Lysander talking, Helena is still upset because she thinks Lysander is mocking her and Lysander is just trying to prove his love to her. Demetrius wakes up, he falls in love with Helena, then we have Demetrius and Lysander fighting over Helena. After a bit of that, Hermia wakes up, so we have the whole gang together! Hermia asks why Lysander why he left, and he just tells her that he doesn't love her. Helena starts to think that Hermia is in on this too, so she gets upset at her also. Then the best, but worst thing happens, and Helena and Hermia just go off on each other. After a lot of arguing, Oberon sees how much more trouble he caused, so he tells Robin to get another type of nectar, which will reverse what the first nectar did so th9ings will be normal again, and to go run around with Lysander chasing him, pretending to be Demetrius, and have Demetrius chasing him, pretending to be Lysander. He gets them to be so tired that the fall asleep and he puts the nectar on Lysander's eyes so he can be in love with Hermia again and Demetrius will still be in love with Helena, which is what Oberon wanted in the first place.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Act 3, Scene 1

In this scene we start with Quince and Bottom and all the other actors discussing and rehearsing their parts in the play for Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. While they are rehearsing, Robin comes along and watches them. Then he turns Bottom's head into an "ass-head". Bottom isn't aware that his face is now grey, heavier and shaped differently than before, so when he goes back on stage everyone freaks out and flee from Bottom and he's totally clueless on why they are running away. After everyone leaves, Bottom starts to sing, and he wakes Titania up. The first thing she saw when she woke up was Bottom. Titania is now in love with Bottom. Bottom actually reacts way differently than I thought he would, he's modest about how Titania says that she's in love with him and he says that she has little reason to love him. Then Titania calls her oddly, but awesomely, named fairies and tells them to take care of Bottom. There is no better way to show that you love someone than to get away from them and get other people to take care of them.

Act 2, Scene 2

We start off with Titania being sung to sleep to by some of her fairies. She falls asleep, and Oberon enters, putting the juice on Titania's eyelids. Next we have Hermia and Lysander, still eloping and in the woods. They go to sleep there and then Robin comes along. He mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and puts the juice on Lysander's eyelids. Robin leaves, and then Helena and Demetrius also come along! Dun dun dun. Demetrius still wants Helena to leave him alone, but she doesn't so he just leaves her there in the woods. Lysander wakes up, and the first person he sees is Helena. Lysander is now in love with Helena, and he says all these nice things to Helena and confesses his love for her. Helena thinks he's just being a big meaniehead and is making fun of her, so she leaves. Lysander also leaves, and that's when Hermia wakes up. The scene ends there with Hermia in the woods all alone.

Act 2, Scene 1

In this scene we are introduced to more characters. Oberon, the king of the fairies, Titania, the queen of the fairies, and Robin Goodfellow, a fairy that pretty much works for Oberon and does what Oberon tells him to do. This scene opens with Robin and another fairy talking about Oberon being jealous of an Indian boy that Titania is taking care of and is taking up a lot of her attention. Oberon and Titania enter and are arguing with each other about the Indian boy because they both want different things and they want it only their way. The problem isn't solved so Oberon tells Robin to get a flower, "love-in-idleness", which's juice makes the person who has it on their eyelids fall in love with the first person they see when they wake up, and put the juice on Titania. Then we are with Demetrius and Helena. Demetrius is looking for Hermia, and Helena is following him. They get into an arguement with Demetrius saying he will never love Helena, but Helena says that she will just love him more. Oberon sees them arguing and once Robin arrives, he says to put the juice also on a man in Athenian clothing.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Act 1 Scene 2

This scene is about six guys who want to perform a play at Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. Quince reads out all their parts from a scroll and then passes out their scripts to them. Bottom is the first to recieve his part, and he pretty much thinks he's the hottest thing ever. While Quince is telling everyone else their parts, Bottom interrupts to boast and prove how "good" he would be for that role. After that, they all make it a point that they meet in the woods to rehearse at night so they won't be seen.

Act 1 Scene 1

In class today, we finished Act 1 Scene 1 and 2, and we were assigned to write a summary for every scene on our blog once we finish reading it in class. So here's my summary for Act 1 Scene 1--

The scene opens with Theseus, the Duke of Athens, talking with his fiance, Hippolyta, about their wedding. Egeus, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander then enter and Egeus ezplains to Theseus how he wants Hermia to marry Demetrius, but Hermia won't, because her and Lysander are in love. Because of Athenian law, Hermia will be killed or live a life that's unenjoyable if she does not obey what her father and doesn't marry Demetrius. Once alone, Lysander proposes the idea to Hermia that they should run away from Athens to get married. Helena, Hermia's friend, enters and they tell Helena their plans to run away. Helena's jealousy of Demetrius loving Hermia takes over her and she decides to tell Demetrius Lysander and Hermia's plan to elope.