Monday, May 7, 2007

Act 2, Scene 2

We start off with Titania being sung to sleep to by some of her fairies. She falls asleep, and Oberon enters, putting the juice on Titania's eyelids. Next we have Hermia and Lysander, still eloping and in the woods. They go to sleep there and then Robin comes along. He mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and puts the juice on Lysander's eyelids. Robin leaves, and then Helena and Demetrius also come along! Dun dun dun. Demetrius still wants Helena to leave him alone, but she doesn't so he just leaves her there in the woods. Lysander wakes up, and the first person he sees is Helena. Lysander is now in love with Helena, and he says all these nice things to Helena and confesses his love for her. Helena thinks he's just being a big meaniehead and is making fun of her, so she leaves. Lysander also leaves, and that's when Hermia wakes up. The scene ends there with Hermia in the woods all alone.

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