Sunday, March 4, 2007

Family Story Part 1

In class we were supposed to think of a story that had to do with our family and was told to us by a family member. So we thought about it and then shared our story with the class. Our assignment was to tell the story on our blog and so that's what this post is about.

When my mom was in High School she was in a key project or outreach school, so there were about 10-15 students in her school. You'd think, or at least I thought, that with that many students they would all have a pretty good relationship with each other, like they'd be a family or something. But that wasn't really how it was. They were all divided into their own little group of friends. Some students would make fun of my mom because she was super skinny. One day this girl was making fun of my mom and then that girl's sister saw what was happening and told her sister to stop. They got into a big fight and the girl who was teasing my mom just stopped and left. After that my mom and the girl who stood up for my mom against her sister became best friends. They still are, and they talk to each other at least once a week.

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