Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4, Scene 1

In this scene Bottom is now in no way modest or confused about Titania's love for him and he tells the fairies what to do to fulfill his needs, or more so wants he could easily just do himself. Oberon reverses Titania's love for that ass, referring to Bottom's donkey head, and I guess his behavior as well, and she talks to herself about what a strange "dream" she had about being in love with a donkey. Then we have Theseus, Hippolyta, and Egeus walking through the woods, and coincidently they walk right to where Helena, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander fell asleep. They wonder why they're all asleep by each other, so they wake them up and then we hear that Demetrius is in love with Helena still, and Lysander is again in love with Hermia. Theseus decides that they Helena and Demetrius can get married and Lysander and Hermia can get married so all is well, at least for now. Bottom wakes up and he thinks he thinks he had a dream, so he decides to write about it and read it at Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Act 3, Scene 2

A lot goes on in this scene. Robin and Oberon are first talking to each other about Titania and how she fell in love with the donkey headed guy, Bottom, and how Robin put the nectar on the wrong man with Athenian clothes, which they figure out when Demetrius and Hermia enter. Hermia is upset with Demetrius because she thinks that he killed or took away Lysander, when really he was just following Helena because that's who he now loves. When Demetrius falls asleep, Robin and Oberon try to fix things by putting the nectar onto Demetrius' eyes. Then we have Helena and Lysander talking, Helena is still upset because she thinks Lysander is mocking her and Lysander is just trying to prove his love to her. Demetrius wakes up, he falls in love with Helena, then we have Demetrius and Lysander fighting over Helena. After a bit of that, Hermia wakes up, so we have the whole gang together! Hermia asks why Lysander why he left, and he just tells her that he doesn't love her. Helena starts to think that Hermia is in on this too, so she gets upset at her also. Then the best, but worst thing happens, and Helena and Hermia just go off on each other. After a lot of arguing, Oberon sees how much more trouble he caused, so he tells Robin to get another type of nectar, which will reverse what the first nectar did so th9ings will be normal again, and to go run around with Lysander chasing him, pretending to be Demetrius, and have Demetrius chasing him, pretending to be Lysander. He gets them to be so tired that the fall asleep and he puts the nectar on Lysander's eyes so he can be in love with Hermia again and Demetrius will still be in love with Helena, which is what Oberon wanted in the first place.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Act 3, Scene 1

In this scene we start with Quince and Bottom and all the other actors discussing and rehearsing their parts in the play for Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. While they are rehearsing, Robin comes along and watches them. Then he turns Bottom's head into an "ass-head". Bottom isn't aware that his face is now grey, heavier and shaped differently than before, so when he goes back on stage everyone freaks out and flee from Bottom and he's totally clueless on why they are running away. After everyone leaves, Bottom starts to sing, and he wakes Titania up. The first thing she saw when she woke up was Bottom. Titania is now in love with Bottom. Bottom actually reacts way differently than I thought he would, he's modest about how Titania says that she's in love with him and he says that she has little reason to love him. Then Titania calls her oddly, but awesomely, named fairies and tells them to take care of Bottom. There is no better way to show that you love someone than to get away from them and get other people to take care of them.

Act 2, Scene 2

We start off with Titania being sung to sleep to by some of her fairies. She falls asleep, and Oberon enters, putting the juice on Titania's eyelids. Next we have Hermia and Lysander, still eloping and in the woods. They go to sleep there and then Robin comes along. He mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and puts the juice on Lysander's eyelids. Robin leaves, and then Helena and Demetrius also come along! Dun dun dun. Demetrius still wants Helena to leave him alone, but she doesn't so he just leaves her there in the woods. Lysander wakes up, and the first person he sees is Helena. Lysander is now in love with Helena, and he says all these nice things to Helena and confesses his love for her. Helena thinks he's just being a big meaniehead and is making fun of her, so she leaves. Lysander also leaves, and that's when Hermia wakes up. The scene ends there with Hermia in the woods all alone.

Act 2, Scene 1

In this scene we are introduced to more characters. Oberon, the king of the fairies, Titania, the queen of the fairies, and Robin Goodfellow, a fairy that pretty much works for Oberon and does what Oberon tells him to do. This scene opens with Robin and another fairy talking about Oberon being jealous of an Indian boy that Titania is taking care of and is taking up a lot of her attention. Oberon and Titania enter and are arguing with each other about the Indian boy because they both want different things and they want it only their way. The problem isn't solved so Oberon tells Robin to get a flower, "love-in-idleness", which's juice makes the person who has it on their eyelids fall in love with the first person they see when they wake up, and put the juice on Titania. Then we are with Demetrius and Helena. Demetrius is looking for Hermia, and Helena is following him. They get into an arguement with Demetrius saying he will never love Helena, but Helena says that she will just love him more. Oberon sees them arguing and once Robin arrives, he says to put the juice also on a man in Athenian clothing.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Act 1 Scene 2

This scene is about six guys who want to perform a play at Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. Quince reads out all their parts from a scroll and then passes out their scripts to them. Bottom is the first to recieve his part, and he pretty much thinks he's the hottest thing ever. While Quince is telling everyone else their parts, Bottom interrupts to boast and prove how "good" he would be for that role. After that, they all make it a point that they meet in the woods to rehearse at night so they won't be seen.

Act 1 Scene 1

In class today, we finished Act 1 Scene 1 and 2, and we were assigned to write a summary for every scene on our blog once we finish reading it in class. So here's my summary for Act 1 Scene 1--

The scene opens with Theseus, the Duke of Athens, talking with his fiance, Hippolyta, about their wedding. Egeus, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander then enter and Egeus ezplains to Theseus how he wants Hermia to marry Demetrius, but Hermia won't, because her and Lysander are in love. Because of Athenian law, Hermia will be killed or live a life that's unenjoyable if she does not obey what her father and doesn't marry Demetrius. Once alone, Lysander proposes the idea to Hermia that they should run away from Athens to get married. Helena, Hermia's friend, enters and they tell Helena their plans to run away. Helena's jealousy of Demetrius loving Hermia takes over her and she decides to tell Demetrius Lysander and Hermia's plan to elope.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Chinese Civil War

We were assigned for homework to search for info on the Chinese Civil War, and then in your own words summarize it. So this is what I found--

The Chinese Civil War was between the Chinese Nationalist Party, known as the Kuomintang, and the Chinese Communist Party and took place from 1927 until 1950. It lasted a little over 23 years. The Chinese Nationalist Party and the Chinese Communist Party were allies during the Northern Expedition, but afterwards, a group of people in the Chinese Nationalist Party, whom were led by Chiang Kai-shek, wanted to break up the alliance between the Nationalists and Communists. They then went into war against each other, but the war paused between 1937 and 1945 because of the Second Sino-Japanese War. In 1946 the war between the Chinese National Party and the Chinese Communist Party continued, and then ended 1950, although there is still a rivalry between the two parties.

ghost story

So in our last class we wrote about and then shared ghost stories that we've heard about, experienced or just made up. We were then assigned to write the story in class on our blog. My story isn't as exciting and scary as everyone else's but it is the only thing I remember and I don't hang out in our living room anymore because of it. Oh, and when I was trying to sleep that night of the class we were telling the ghost stories, I was listening to my iPod and touched it by accident so the light turned on and I was so freaked out and I thought a ghost was going to kill me or something. I seriously wasn't able to fall asleep that night because I kept thinking about the ghost stories. I already had trouble sleeping because of thinking about ghosts and this made it so much worse. But that's what's so awesome about this class, I've never been unable to sleep because I was so scared of something we were talking about in class before.

One night a few years ago I was watching TV with my dad in our living room. During the commercial we ended up talking about ghosts. I have no idea why or how, but we were. We were pretty close to the doorway, which lead to our hallway. While we were talking something small and dark just sped past the door. It happened a few times before but I never really thought anything of it, I would just be like, "oh that was scary. I really want to get a llama." But I looked at my dad and then we were just staring at each other with questioning looks. I said something like, "that wasn't a ghost right, it's just a rat?" And he said "no, I don't think so, Ryan (my brother) is right there in the hallway, he'd say something if it was a rat." I wasn't looking directly at the doorway so I don't know exactly what it looked like. It definately wasn't that big, though. It was maybe the size of 3 rats or something but it just looked like some dark shadowy blob thing. I don't know what it was but I guess that's what makes it so scary to me. I think it's better that way, though, I wouldn't want to know that it's a ghost if it really is.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

free post #2!

I'm watching Smart House on Disney Channel. If you haven't seen it, you should because it's a Disney movie, and the house is just cool. It's a house that can like control things like a person. It makes you food and drinks and keeps the house clean and talks to you and just awesome stuff. It has feelings too. And yes I know I'm awesome for watching Disney Channel, but I know everyone loves it whether they admit it or not, unless there was a super bad experience with the channel or something, but whatever, that's besides the point.

Watching this just made me really wonder about how much we are advancing in technology, and although I don't think that house in the movie was real, it really might be a real house one day. I'm sure there were some people who actually though about using the idea and trying to build a house like that. But really, all this technology stuff we have is crazy. How have people figure out these things. Like our computers. What's all that stuff in it? How did people get the idea of using that green plasticy stuff and putting some other stuff together and turning it into memory for your computer? That wasn't really the greatest example and I didn't explain it all that great, but I think you can get the idea of what I'm trying to say. This is kind of a continuation of my last free post I guess, I'm still wondering about stuff in our world and how things have evolved.

I think that it's so amazing that everything that we use comes from the earth. How did people decide to go digging or whatever to get oil and then using it for cars? It's so cool that everything on Earth can have a purpose and is useful for something. Maybe some things don't seem useful now but look at everything we're making things from now, I'm sure a lot of this stuff wasn't useful to people thousands of years ago or something.

free post #1

So I was trying to think of something to write about for this free post and aliens came to mind. Not aliens like foreigners or people from other countries, but aliens from like, outer space. I think they're totally real. Maybe not exactly those skinny green things with three fingers, an oval shaped head and big eyes which everyone imagines an alien as, but just another creature somewhere in this universe and maybe even another universe..? Who knows, but I think it's a really interesting thing to think about. Like there may be life that we don't know about. I wonder what they'd look like. They could have like a million arms or maybe no arms at all. What would their world be like?

And I wonder how they'd communicate. If they do. And I also think it's so cool how languages have changed so much from like the beginning of humankind. It has come such a long way and now there are such crazy words like flibbertigibbet and coterminous and lots and lots of other weird words that i can't think of. Who and how did they come up with this stuff?

I wonder if we and our universe is just like an ant's world compared to another creature's world. I don't know if that makes sense but maybe our galaxy is just like floating around an even huger species of creatures' environment. Well maybe not what I just said but something like that. There may be things a kajillion times bigger than us!! or a kajillion times smaller! Yeah, so our world is pretty much amazing. But I wonder what other worlds, if there are any, are like?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Family Story Part 2

For homework we were assigned to make a revised version of our original family story and make it "fantastical". So I tried that out and this is what I created while I was at the moon for a family trip this weekend.

When my mom was in High School she was in a key project or outreach school, so there were about 10-15 students in her school. You'd think, or at least I thought, that with that many students they would all have a pretty good relationship with each other, like they'd be a family or something. But that wasn't really how it was. They were all divided into their own little group of friends.
And then one day the school changed their rules so that every creature ever created could enroll in the school. Bunnies and Leprechauns and creatures from other planets all came to the school. Some of the new students--a group of ugly dark green monsters with ten eyes, no nose or ears and a huge mouth with only their two front teeth with a huge gap between them, would make fun of my mom because she was super skinny. One of the unearthly monsters was making fun of my mom and then that monster's sister, a beautiful unicorn with a pretty pink tail, saw what was happening to my mom and told her monstrous sister to stop. The monster didn't, and they got into a big fight. The amazing unicorn popped the green monster with its' horn and the monster disappeared forever.
After that my mom and the pretty unircorn who stood up for my mom against her sister became best friends. And they still are, the unicorn uses its' magical rainbow to travel to my house and visit my mom often.

Family Story Part 1

In class we were supposed to think of a story that had to do with our family and was told to us by a family member. So we thought about it and then shared our story with the class. Our assignment was to tell the story on our blog and so that's what this post is about.

When my mom was in High School she was in a key project or outreach school, so there were about 10-15 students in her school. You'd think, or at least I thought, that with that many students they would all have a pretty good relationship with each other, like they'd be a family or something. But that wasn't really how it was. They were all divided into their own little group of friends. Some students would make fun of my mom because she was super skinny. One day this girl was making fun of my mom and then that girl's sister saw what was happening and told her sister to stop. They got into a big fight and the girl who was teasing my mom just stopped and left. After that my mom and the girl who stood up for my mom against her sister became best friends. They still are, and they talk to each other at least once a week.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Purpose of Blogging and My Intro

So we're supposed to write what we think the purpose of having these blogs instead of notebooks is and also a short introduciton ourselves. So that is exactly what I'm writing about.. right NOW! I think that the purpose of us writing these awesome blogs is to make writing and just growing as cool english students easier and more efficient. And we are saving the world a bit by not using our notebooks. By writing in this we are a step forward from just writing in our notebooks for only us and Mrs. Watson to see and are getting people like me who are insecure about reading things that they've written to the class more prepared for that kind of thing. We aren't exactly reading it out loud which makes it a lot easier but we are improving those skills by doing this since we're getting more comfortable with sharing with other people. Sharing is caring. It also makes communicating with each other a lot easier since everyone I think should have a blog and you can comment on anyone's posts. You can have your questions answered by people in your class. I think it also makes people more open and comfortable with their writing in a way since you get to see everyone else's work and know that we all are doing it and everyone has their own insecurities about their writing but still write stuff.

Okay, so my name is Amber but you can call me Ambizzle or Amber or whatever you want to call me I guess. I like to play the guitar and drums and I'm in a band with my friends called Rod Torfulson's Armada featuring Herman Menderchuck which I play drums in. I also like animals. I have a bunny named Snuggles and a dog named Llama. They're awesome.

If you've read this that's awesome. Hi. Okay, I'm done. Bye.